URGENT ACTION: Edmonton Catholic Schools Support Staff, CEP Local 52A on strike

Issue: Edmonton Catholic Schools Support Staff, members of CEP Local 52A went out on strike today, September 10, 2012. They are on strike for negotiated wage increases and working hours. The employer, Edmonton Catholic School District, refuses to negotiate the second year of wages on a two-year contract and instead wants to put into place a wage re-opener provision.

Actions Requested: Join CEP Local 52A members on the picket lines in Edmonton from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. See locations listed on the Edmonton Catholic Support Staff Association website at http://www.ecssa.ca. The central picket is located at the district's head office at 9807 – 106 Street.

When: Today and until Edmonton Catholic Schools support staff goes back to work.

Edmonton Catholic Schools Support Staff on Strike

Edmonton Catholic Schools Support Staff from CEP local 52A are on strike for negotiated wage increases and working hours. The employer, Edmonton Catholic School District, refuses to negotiate the second year of wages on a two-year contract and instead wants to put into place a wage re-opener provision. Staff is also facing the erosion of full time positions and increased workload. Workers have less time to meet the needs of students. The membership is comprised of all Edmonton Catholic Schools support staff which includes all media resource (library) staff, teacher assistants, secretarial and clerical staff, instructors, coordinators, counselors and printing services staff.

Sisters and brothers are encouraged to join workers from CEP 52A on the picket lines from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the locations listed on the Edmonton Catholic Support Staff Association website: http://www.ecssa.ca/. The central picket is located at the district's head office 9807 –106 Street, Edmonton. The picket is from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

For day-to-day information, please call Ishani, Director of Special Projects at the AFL: 780-483-3021.

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