Statement from the AFL about the Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Economy

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is pleased and proud that Siobhán Vipond, secretary treasurer and acting president, has been named to the Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Economy.

This committee has a wealth of talent, a range of viewpoints, and a strong commitment to making Alberta stronger. There is a wide range of industries represented, a balance of men and women, and a diversity of backgrounds on this panel which more fully includes the diversity of the Alberta experience.

The committee’s work on economic diversification will be essential to building a prosperous province that will be better able to weather the boom-and-bust cycle of the energy sector.

In our work as a grassroots organization, and as an organization with commitment to good public policy, the Alberta Federation of Labour has been providing research into Alberta’s economy for more than a century.

We are a diverse province with numerous vibrant sectors employing Alberta workers in manufacturing, construction, retail, forestry, agriculture, and energy.

Many of the AFL’s affiliated members are in the energy sector, but many are also working in sectors of the economy that have yet to reach their potential. The AFL commends the government for asking this committee to provide support in nurturing these potential economic areas of growth to help create good new jobs.

The AFL also commends the government for asking the committee to examine how to support high-quality family sustaining jobs in the energy sector. Alberta has an opportunity with our energy sector to upgrade and refine our bitumen in the province, and in doing so, boost our economy and create jobs.

Labour is vital to a balanced conversation on Alberta’s economy. The AFL looks forward to productive work with the committee.

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Olav Rokne, Communications Director, Alberta Federation of Labour at 780.218.4351 (cell)
or via e-mail [email protected]

 COPE 458

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