Activists Leaflet Zellers and the Bay in Campaign Against Sweatshop Abuses

EDMONTON                             CALGARY
Sunday, August 25, 2002      Sunday, August 25, 
12:00 noon                              2002     12:00 noon
Zellers and the Bay                 Zellers and the Bay
West Edmonton Mall               Sunridge Mall

The Human Rights and International Solidarity Committee of the Alberta Federation of Labour will be leafleting "The Bay" and Zellers stores in Edmonton and Calgary this Sunday, starting at 12:00 noon.  The protestors will be trying to persuade the Hudson's Bay Company to work with unions and suppliers to eliminate sweatshop working conditions.

Currently the Hudson's Bay Company has contracts with three factories in the southern African country of Lesotho which produces clothing under the Zellers brand name. However, HBC has indicated that it was cutting and running from at least one of the factories rather than working with the factory management and the Lesotho garment workers' union to help eliminate sweatshop abuses.  This is the same factory that recently signed an agreement with the union to make improvements in working conditions.

"We need to send a message to the Hudson's Bay Company to be responsible corporate citizens and stay in Lesotho and be part of the solution to end sweatshop abuses," says HR&IS Committee Chairperson, Ramon Antipan.

For More Information:

Ramon Antipan, Chairperson, AFL's Human Rights  & International Solidarity Committee @ 780-423-9000 (wk)  or   @ 780-475-6856 (hm)

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